Rubber Duckz is an NFT collection featuring 2,000 unique, hand-drawn pieces, inspired by the beloved rubber ducks from our childhood and parenting days. These digital collectibles capture nostalgic memories and cherished experiences, now immortalized as certified digital assets on the Ethereum Blockchain. Proudly display or trade them with joy and pride.

We really value transparency but above all, being honest and straightforward. Success is equal to Results minus Expectations, so we rather surprise you with extras instead of promising you the world.

Discord, Webpage and socials get activated and start building the community. We have in our team some great minds from the Advertising & Marketing world with resources at hand that will help us grow this project, make it look good and grow effectively, no joking around.
When we sell 100%, a fund ($50,000.00) will be allocated for donating to the Boston Children's Hospital, Alice would have liked that.
Rubber Duckz Virtual Merch Store will be created exclusively for Duckholders to get amazing Rubber Duckz Merch.
January 16th 2022
We have reserved 50 Rubber Duckz for early supporters and team members, you guys deserve to be compensated. They will be transferred after Mint. There will also be NFT giveaways from the collection and ETH to holders within the community.
At 100% sold, we will purchase a parcel in the Metaverse before prices go crazy for the Community to have a place to Display our collection in the Metaverse. This place will be called THE POND AND, a hangout spot, game, and Museum for 2nd Collab collection with artists.
We will have our own Time Square billboard in place. Because we can, and to promote our project in a symbolic and iconic way, just like our collection. The date? NFT.NYC (june 2022)
Wanna hang in the Metaverse? Work in progress...
2023 - FUTURE
Let's see what the future holds...
Here is the team you will see in our channels. We are here to help the community grow and swim through the murky waters of the NFT pond.

Flock Leader
Project Founder. Taking care of the Flock 24/7.

Flock Manager
He knows his stuff, ask him anything, you'll see.

Honorary Duck
His Mom's real-life collection inspired this NFT collection.

Flock Moderator
Discord MamaDuck will keep you under her wings.

MR. Jackson
Techy Duck
Loner Duck, always doing ducky business.

FlawLESS Pink
Social Manager
When she Quacks,
people listen.

Discord Lead Mod
You love having him around. Everything brightens up.

Flock Advisor
Wise duck. He is a Duck
you can count on.
WHAt’s an NFT?
An NFT, or Non-Fungible Token, is a unique digital item stored on a blockchain, a type of digital ledger. Think of it like a digital collectible or piece of art that you own. Unlike regular cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, which are all the same and can be exchanged for each other, each NFT is one-of-a-kind and cannot be swapped on a one-to-one basis with another NFT. This uniqueness makes NFTs special for owning digital collectibles, art, music, videos, and other virtual goods. When you buy an NFT, you get proof of ownership, and it is secured by blockchain technology, which ensures that no one else can claim it as theirs.
WHAt is MEtAmask?
Metamask is a crypto wallet that can store your Ethereum, and is needed to purchase and mint a Rubber Duckz. Having a wallet gives you an Ethereum address (i.e. 0xABCD….1234), this is where your NFT will be stored. Learn more about Metamask and how easy it is to use over here! (https://metamask.io/)
SOuNds GREat!, HOW dO I Get InvoLVED?
WHY are ONLY 2,000 PIecES in
This is the Genesis collection. We wanted to make each Rubber Duck unique, so they are hand drawn 1/1 arts (we even have the process video of each), having more than this amount would mean we would have to make it a generative collection, our collectors are unique, why not give them a unique piece. Having a controlled amount, also helps with controlling the tokenomics, having a higher quality, lower quantity community, more engaged and communicated helps with steering the project more effectively and in the right direction.
HOW CAn I buy ONE?
Our Mint (initial sale) took place on the 16th of January 2022, you can purchase a Rubber Duckz in the secondary market.
WHEre does my NFT go aFtER I GET a RuBBer Duckz?
Your Rubber Duckz NFT will appear in whatever address, or connected wallet you used to purchase the Rubber Duckz NFT, it is registered and stored in the Ethereum Blockchain immediately, then that transaction and marketplaces like Blur or Opensea will display your purchased NFT in your account.
Who is bEHIND THE ProJEct?
We are a team of Marketing disruptors, ad-men, Illustrators, Digital Designers, Devs, crypto and NFT enthusiasts lurking around the crypto world since 2017. We have some very interesting stories to tell you from our experiences. We are lucky enough to have the resources to put in the work to make everything look good and work efficiently, no joking around.
Are RuBBer Duckz a GoOd InveStmEnt?
That is ultimately a decision for you to make. We believe Rubber Duckz have a long life ahead of them, and will be an ever growing and evolving project. However the success of Rubber Duckz relies on so many factors and variables, like any other collectible. Hopefully and with the community’s support we will be going to the moon, but always remember don’t spend money you can’t afford to lose.
We have reserved 100 Rubber Duckz total; 50 for early supporters and team members, you guys deserve to be compensated. Another 50 Rubber Duckz will be reserved for giveaways for our Discord and Twitter community in form of Raffles, recognitions to active and supportive members, IRL collectors who show their dedication to the project, and some are for the community to decide how and who to give to. The remaining 1,900 units are for presale and public sale.